Sunday, July 26, 2009

python All Editors 1.0(EN) Translated By D3adly

All Editors 1.0(EN) Translated By D3adly

Easy MIF is a small, python based app which can easily and instantly convert png or jpg to mif and will allow you to change icons in your menu after just a few clicks..results are seen after rebooting.

With ClarityPNG, you can make png image into transparent PNG images. Images must be in PNG format before they can be made transparent.

A small python based program which generates image mask,convenient for those who're dealing with graphics..(eg. if you're making a mbm file and need a mask for your image,use this app,click to select the image and wait a bit for mask to be generated.

Another python based program It has the ability to Unpack MBM and Pack images in PNG, JPG, GIF, or BMP format to MBM file. Place the image file which you want to convert in !\python\mbmtool\img\... MBM file in !\python\mbmtool\mbm\

This little Python application, has the ability to see Mif content without extraction and save it as image.

This program will pack folder and svg files to mif. Unpack mif files, extract png files from ico and convert images to svg format.

RSC Editor
RSC Editor is resource editor for Series60 Smart-Phone can be change resource string value by easy don’t require hex editor. You can change if you want

EXE Tool
This program can show a list of exe resources to be modified and facilitate. However the resources supports only English and if the file is too large, it may cause the software to function abnormally.

This application is based on the python. It helps you to uninstall installed programs, program plug-ins, and a variety of java applications to support the main installation program.
The main features of this application is that, multiple softwares can be uninstalled simultaneously by selecting them all, rather than by uninstalling one by one.

NulDel v2.0 is the small python app was conceived to remove empty files and folder.

With this python standalone you can easily delete: application install log, realplayer last played log, Firmware-Over-The-Air reserved file (about 4,5MB), gallery image thumbnails (PAlbTN), bluetooth devices (needs killing btmanserver.exe and phone restart).

Zntxhan is a program which lets you translate your documents, if you use the list means, the software will automatically search resources which can be translated and display them.

Name:  All Editors.jpg Views: 632 Size:  77.0 KB

How to Install...

Some of these programs need caps off to work. Make sure you have python and mega module pack installed. I couldnt compile the files into sis so you have to follow the instructions below.
  • Install AllEDITORS_final.sis
  • Put the file in E/Private/150487df/ and overwrite.
  • Copy all the rest folders in E/System/Apps/ALLEDITORS/ and overwrite.


Credit has to be given to these people that made it easier for me to translate All Editors. I know it might not be the best translation but i have tried to translate it to the best of my knowledge.


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